Top 5 countries care the most about the environment and eco-friendly products 2023

         Nowadays, climate change become more and more complex, which cause a negative effect on our modern life such as drought, flood, ice land melting, sea level rise, rising of global temperatures… This damage to natural as well as our health, our lives. However, climate change can be reduced by human’s highly awareness of environment. So using eco-friendly, reusable, sustainable products is one of the best ways to help our planet cleaner and better place to live. In this post, we will sum up top 5 countries that care the most about environment and eco-friendly products in 2023.

  1. Denmark

          Denmark become the most environmentally friendly country in the world with the EPI score of 77.9 in the end of 2022. Denmark efforts in the fields of clean energy and sustainable agriculture. Denmark is also one of countries that are on track to reach “net zero” CO2 emissions by 2050. This country also has one of the most efficient policies to reduce green house gas emission in the world. Denmark also focuses upon sustainability, clean, organic and eco-friendly products.

  1. Unite Kingdom

          Like Denmark, the UK is one of very few countries currently on schedule to reduce their net CO2 emissions to zero by 2050. People in UK also care a lot about eco-friendly products, a lot of eco-friendly bags asorbed in the UK


  1. Finland

          The third-highest one in this list is Finland.  About 35% of Finland’s power comes from renewable energy resources. Moreover, forest and wildlife conservation are high priorities of Finland.

  1. Malta

          In 2020, Malta just ranked 23rd on the EPI, but now, Malta has become the fouth one in this list. Malta is one of the three countries, along with Ireland and Botswana, to share the first-place ranking in greenhouse gas intensity growth rate (GHG) – which measures a country’s ability to grow economically without increasing its greenhouse gas emissions.

  1. Sweden

          Sweden is on the planet’s most sustainable countries , which is known for its use of renewable energy sources and low CO2 emissions. Also, Sweden ranks second in the world for sustainable pesticide use, only behind Australia. Sweden alomost in the top in the multiple categories related to air and water quality.

          Modern trend is that people use eco-friendly, reusable products to protect the environment and stop discharging bad subtances into our nature – which damage our environment a lot. So where can you find a eco-friendly bags with high quality. Canavi Eco Bag, with 8 years of being an eco-friendly bags manufacturer and exporter, is confident of our ability to help you to have the most suitable eco bags with nice design and good quality.

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