When the plastic bag was invented, it was considered a great innovation because it is a waterproof material, sustainable in nature. But this indestructible characteristic does make it dangerous to the environment. Plastic bags dyed blue, red, if being used to store food will be toxic to food by containing metals such as lead. In addition, cadmium causes brain damage and is a major cause of cancer.
According to scientists, plastic bags take from 500 – 1,000 years to decompose. At the current rate of use, people are paying for the pollution of the environment every day and every hour. So, what is the solution to restrict the use of plastic bags?

        Plastic bag is an extremely familiar item, even indispensable in most families. From storing things, going to the market to buy vegetables, meat, to store trash …, many people find it extremely inconvenient if they could not find a plastic bag when necessary.
Because of its convenience, many people know the harms of plastic bags to the environment but still have to use. However, how do plastic bags harm the environment and human health?
With the current level of plastic bag use, by 2025, there will be one ton of plastic and plastic trash for every 3 tons of fish in the ocean. By 2050, the trash will exceed fish in the oceans.

        The most dangerous harm of plastic bags is that it is very difficult to decompose in natural conditions. If we bur them, it affects soil and water environment, burning will create exhaust gas containing toxic toxins dioxin, poisoning our endocrine gland, causing cancer, reducing immunity …
Using hot food held in plastic bags creates many toxic substances for the body.
Each household uses 5-7 plastic bags per day. In Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, about 80 tons of plastic and plastic bags are discharged into the environment a day on average. Recently, the Department of Natural Resources and Environment of Ho Chi Minh City said that it was time to go to the decision to not distribute free plastic bags because of our living environment.

         In Europe, new types of bags, such as woven PP or non-woven bags, were introduced to replace plastic bags. Non-woven fabrics are created by using a similar fabric made from long fibers, bound together by heat or solvent treatment. Because this fabric is not woven like other conventional fabrics, it is called Non-Woven. It is a readily biodegradable fabric, so it is rated as an environmentally friendly material. Currently, this product is gradually becoming a new trend of  consumers. Moreover, non-woven fabric is superior to normal fabrics and other materials in terms of durability, elasticity, aesthetics, water resistance, heat resistance… Unlike plastic bags that maybe thrown away after using some times, causing a rapid increase in the amount of waste, the non-woven bag is made entirely from natural plastic, with high durability. Users can comfortably carry heavy items without worrying about being torn or broken. Besides, the product is reused many times, just need to be washed and dried to be able to use many times later.



The most outstanding feature of the highly rated non-woven bag is extremely safe for health and environmentally friendly. Scientists have proved that, during the production process, the material does not cause any negative effects on the atmosphere. Non-woven bags are considered environmentally friendly products, because they will completely decompose after 5-6 years while plastic bags can take hundreds or thousands of years. The rate of recycling of fabrics will be based on the characteristics of additional materials for specific use. Therefore, using non-woven bags will help reduce waste and help protect the environment to become green – clean – more beautiful.
In the past, we used plastic bags to store many items and viewed it as an essential bag that couldn’t be missed. However, it is one of the reasons that make our living environment heavily polluted. And the messages from experts encourage people to use non-woven bags so they can join hands to prevent this to not get worse.
Modern consumers now have a very healthy new trend of using non-woven bags instead of plastic bags. Cloth bags are also used popularly by business and organizations to advertise their brands and products through printing the logos and information on the bags.

               We can replace plastic bags with non-woven bags from now to save the environment !!!



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